Here are some tips on where to enjoy Songkran and chill out at the same time.
Songkran, 13 to 15 April, is a national festival best known for the copious quantities of water thrown from buckets on unsuspecting passers-by, who quickly appreciate how cooling this fun-filled festival really is especially during the peak of the summer heat wave. There are serious elements, too, such as the annual bathing of Buddha images carried out at temples and homes across the country. Children sprinkle water on the heads of elders to pay respect. In this gentle incarnation, the festival reflects the time-honoured traditions of a nation that respects age and the role of seniors in a family environment.While the religious and cultural aspects are not forgotten, this three-day festival certainly majors on the fun of splashing friends, and even strangers, with a bucket of water, or any other container that comes in handy.Everyone takes it in good spirits, laughing and returning the pleasure in good measure. It also helps that this is the hottest month of the year and a bucket of icy cold water might not be exactly what the doctors ordered, but it relieves the stress and discomfort as the mercury rises.
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