At Bhumibol Dam, Tak Province
29 - 30 AUGUST 2009
A biker’s dream event
Every year mountain bikers gather at one of Thailand’s most scenic dams for a series of races and fun activities.
Healthy recreational sports are fast filling up the Thailand events calendar.
Now in its fifth year, the Bhumibol Invitation International Mountain Bike is one example of the many popular sports events that attract both locals and overseas visitors to test their skills and enjoy a healthy pastime.
Backing the event are the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, Tourism Authority of Thailand and the Sports Authority of Thailand. Created to promote an interest in outdoor sports and also encourage ecotourism at both national and international levels, the races underscore the beauty of Tak province, particularly the attractive scenery that surrounds one of the country’s largest dams
Mountain bikers and their families will gather at the starting line on the crest of the spectacular Bhumibol Dam for two days of races from 29 to 30 August.
This very scenic location provides a variety of race routes that will both challenge the semi-pro mountain bike racers and also please recreational riders.
It is really up the participants as to how far they wish to push their bikes and bodies. If they want the thrill of dropping down steep slopes through jungle terrain, or the steady pace of a trail over rolling hills that border the reservoir, the organisers have a choice of categories to deliver the right experience.
In fact, there are six categories to choose from: Long distance 60 km; family 16 km; tour biking 10 km; cyclo-cross, on the dam’s crest, five km; international race 39 km; and amateur 24 km.
Just to ensure all the hard physical activity is balanced with lots of fun, the organisers encourage visitors and participants to display their two wheelers in an ancient bike contest. The vintage line up is impressive with some participants showing off bikes that would do justice to a museum.
To round off the fun there are booths selling bike equipment at discount prices. All this is described as a heavenly experience for biking enthusiasts, who always discover they need to make just one more purchase to round off the beauty or technical excellence of their prized bikes.
Bhumibol Dam is located in Tak province, 426 km north of Bangkok. The race site, at the crest of the dam, is 60 km north of Tak provincial town, where most of the hotel accommodation is located.
Other activities :
- Funny bike (sightseeing around Bhumibol Dam)
- Bike equipment shops (special price)
- OTOP products of Tak Province
- Flok music by Bhumibol Dam youth club. (evening)
- Youth activities for environ mental prootection and global warming concerns.
Contact information :
- TAT Call Center: 1672
- Events Promotion Division, Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)
Tel. 66-2250-5500 ext. 3495-8
- TAT Tak, Tel. 66-5551-4341-3 E-mail: tattak@tat.or.th
- Public Relations Department, The Electricity Generation Authority of Thailand
Tel. 66-2436-4822, 66-2436-7864
- Reservation Department, Bhimibol Dam
Tel. 66-5554-9509, 66-5559-9093-7 ext. 4001, 4002
- www.bhumiboldam.egat.com
copy from TourismThailand.Org - The Official Website for Tourism in Thailand
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